0406 974 582 [email protected]




A Stepping Stone to Competition

Learn to Play with a Team

Learn to play basketball… by actually playing basketball

Proball runs Miniball competitions (ages 5-8) running at UNSW. Miniball players will put the basic skills they have learned from training to the test in our beginners guide to competition. Each team has an on court coach helping them learn and compete in a game each week. MiniBall runs all year round in school terms.

    Grab a Competition Membership today and get access to training 7 days per week with the ProBall Academy, and MiniBall games.



    Professional Coaching at games and training


    Focus on game rules and teamplay


    On court teaching during the game


    Learn the Rules in a Friendly Environment

    Skill Development

    Through tailored programs delivered by nationally certified coaches: how to run, shoot, dribble, pass, bounce and generally have a lot of fun!


    By meeting new kids and participating in weekly activities that encourage team building and social play.


    This one is very important to us. We want to foster a love of the sport, so it’s important that every child leaves the court happy with a smile on their dial.